VMworld 2017 Recap: vBrownBag Tech Talks

This year I attended VMworld on a vExpert blogger pass. To document my experiences, I'm writing up a VMworld 2017 Recap in 3 parts: The Keynotes, The Sessions, and vBrownBag Tech talks. I also recorded a couple of podcast episodes during the conference, you can listen to them HERE. With the final post in the series, I take a look at the vBrownBag TechTalks.

What are the TechTalks?

The crew over at vBrownBag run a community driven small scale conference within a conference. More than a few of us have submitted abstracts for VMworld, only to have them rejected. The TechTalks give those who still want to contribute a platform. Volunteer speakers give 10-30 minute presentations, similar to those you would see at a VMUG meeting or in the halls of VMworld itself. The major difference between a VMUG session and a TechTalk is that the TechTalks are streamed live and are available shortly their after on the vBrownBag YouTube Channel.

So, why do I find them so valuable? The answer is simple: The content of each session is relevant. There are no marketing presentations, no sales pitches (there are rules against this), just administrators experiences with a problem or product. Yes, in some cases people will do sessions on a specific vendor, but those sessions go into the technical details of how that product was used. As these presenters are community members like you or I, they are easy to approach after they present with any follow up questions or to strike up a conversation. Outside of the highly technical deep dives and new product sessions, vBrownBag TechTalks have some of the highest value at VMworld.

Sometimes I look like I know what I’m doing

Sometimes I look like I know what I’m doing

Wait, what about Opening Acts?!

I'd be remiss if I failed to mention VMunderground Opening Acts! Opening acts are another great community generated event that revolves around VMworld. The multi-panel sessions take place the Sunday before VMworld begins, and you don't need to be a registered attendee of VMworld to participate. I have found great value in the Opening Act panels throughout the years. It is yet another intimate setting you can listen to and pick the brains of some great vCommunity contributors. Much like TechTalks, they are recorded and available on the vBrownBag YouTube Channel.  

Some of my Favorite TechTalks

Unlike most of the VMworld sessions, the vBrownBag TechTalks are available online, on demand. So rather than write up detailed descriptions about the sessions, I've embedded a few of my favorite videos below. (Please don't mind the shameless plug for my sessions at the end).

If you'd like to join the conversation about VMworld 2017, have any podcast/blog ideas, or would like to be a guest, reach out to me on Twitter (@ExploreVM), Email, or on Facebook


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